Blue and Green lakes in Rotorua

1064 Tarawera Rd., Lake Tarawera 3076, New Zealand
GPS coordinates:
-38° 12' 4.6188" S
176° 20' 22.9884" E
Time to spend:
from 5 minutes to a whole day


Read other resources before going there to plan your day properly.


Blue and Green Lakes are water pools formed in old volcanic craters with free access for all. They got their names by the colour of the water. Green lake is purely for observation. It has always been a sacred place for Maori people. Blue lake is a great place to have a walk around (the track is in links below), swim, do different water activities, fishing and simply stay there with your family or friends. Water sports activities are mostly for summer, but others you can do in any sunny day.

Unfortunately, we were not lucky and our trip fall in a rainy day. So we couldn't enjoy the hiking track. On the other side, we saw Blue lake from another perspective. It was at dusk. The lake looked so majestic, peaceful, shallow and deep dark blue like in a mystery movie. I would never forget that evening and that view. I spent there only 5 minutes under rain, but it impressed me so much, that I have to convince you to go there. Especially when local people told me how good and popular this place is in summer

Links you may find useful while planning your trip
