Buried Village of Te Wairoa

1180 Tarawera Rd, Rotorua 3076, New Zealand
GPS coordinates:
-38° 12' 43.8264" S
176° 21' 48.7728" E
+64 7362 8287
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Time to spend:
2 hours
Entry fee:
NZ$ 32.50 - adult, NZ$ 10.00 - child


When I found this place as a possible destination, I decided that it would be another small and boring museum and I didn't what to go there. Fortunately, it was a rainy day that broke our other planes and we decided to visit Buried Village of Te Wairoa. I'm so happy we did this.

This place is far away from standard museum. It not only keeps the past memories about the natural disaster and the village people, but reminds all of us how powerful is our planet and who really controls it.

The Buried Village (it's original name is Te Wairoa) is located not so far away from Rotorua, New Zealand North Island (just 20 minutes drive), to be exact - on Tarawera Road, really close to Lake Tarawera. This place is, without the doubt, must be most visited historical site in the entire country that is tragically famous by the massive volcanic eruption of Mt Tarawera that occurred there on 10 June 1886. It's been more than a lifetime since that day, and Te Wairoa is finally uncovered for everyone to visit. Now there's an amazing opportunity for you to find out so many new details about early settlers' and Maori's lives, how they worked together side by side, they habits and lifestyle. In the museum you would see a model of spectacular Pink and White Terraces that might have been 8th nature wonder. but unfortunately are buried forever by the nature obedience in 1886. This wonderful place stores not only domestic things from the buried village, but also people stories that are far more interesting. You will experience last memories of the only one British guy who was in the hotel when the eruption happened, a poor man who foresaw the desisted but later was accused of it and many other stories. You could also visit the breathtaking Wairere waterfall while enjoying leisurely walks around the site and small river where you could spot some trout. There are surely a lot of things to do, just make sure to use your imagination and see where it takes you.

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Museum in Buried Village of Te Wairoa Waterfall in the Buried Village River in the Buried Village